the photo, graphic design (and occasionally and other things) diary of jessica daly

Friday, July 10, 2009

I try to look for these "ROYGBIV" sunsets where you can see the entire spectrum progression. They happen every once in a while. This one was taken on July 4th, from an airplane at about 9 o'clock pm.


Marc said...

wow. these are incredible!! Is that a pink cloud or a firework?

Jessica Daly said...

It's a pink sky!
I admit, I amplified the color a little, but it was pretty intense.

Marc said...

sorry i should have been more specific - i was asking about that tiny little pink spot in the second one. although i bet it's also a pink cloud...

Jessica Daly said...

Oh, you know, I honestly think that might be some sort of camera error. It's too high in the sky to be a firework.
They'd all be in the black at the bottom, under the horizon line.

I was thinking the white mark in the bottom right hand corner might be a firework, but there's also a good chance it isn't.

They were difficult to capture, because I was in a moving plane, it was dark, and they were far away, so it was hard to get them sharp.
I took some video though.