the photo, graphic design (and occasionally and other things) diary of jessica daly

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Take me to the post-process graveyard

Well, I can't decide which one I like better. The first one is the photo just as I took it. Pure, plain, not the greatest actual photo, but daylight-y. The second one is more processed and...more interesting (?) as a result.
It's always bothered me that I can never choose which edit I want to present. However, when I don't choose and present more then one, the image usually looses impact.

I guess in the end all photographers seem to be able to buck up and pick a final copy.
But I feel like there should be a graveyard for everyone's edits that came close but never got to see the light of day.
That could be a cool concept for an online picture community..hmm.

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